Sunday 23 April 2017

Interview 4: Sri. Shaji and Smt. Shiji

     The next personalities identified for the interview was a couple – Sri. Shaji and Smt. Shiji. They were chosen for their unique way of caring the inmates of three centres of Akasapparavakal a rehabilitation home for the least and the lost in Bangalore. A preliminary visit to one of its branches in Malayatoor, Kerala was made on April 8, 2017 to understand the functioning of the centre and to gather information about the couple.
The project team also decided to present a music performance for the inmates at the Akasapparavakal in Bangalore. In view of this, Amal T. Anoop, one of the team members took a session on understanding music therapy on April 18, 2017 followed by rehearsals.

Amal presenting some tips on how to make a music session effective

Preparatory session before the journey to Bangalore

Three days visit to the Bangalore centres of Akasapparavakal was an entirely different experience for the team. Apart from musical performance the team also got an opportunity to prepare lunch for the inmates. The interview with Sri. Shaji and Smt. Shiji opened a new insight on a life far different from that of an ordinary couple.                 

Sri. Shaji

Interview session with Sri. Shaji @ Akasapparavakal, Bangalore
Inmates dancing in tune with the music

Project team preparing food for the inmates

Serving food

The Warden couple in front of their small house nearby the Centre

Project team with Sri Shaji & family


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